For Patients
How may I schedule an appointment with you?
The pathologists at UCSF Ocular Pathology do not see patients. Instead, we examine tissue that has been sent to us from ophthalmologists. We also evaluate previously prepared slides to offer a second opinion to the referring ophthalmologists or pathologists.
How can I send my specimen to you?
Usually, the specimens are sent by ophthalmologists or other pathology laboratories. If you want your specimen be sent to us for an expert diagnosis or second opinion, please inform your health care provider of this request. We recommend specimens to be sent to us directly from your provider or the lab due to specimen/slide handling requirements. Please contact us at if you or your provider have questions.
Can I get a copy of my report?
Yes, you have a right to receive a copy. Please contact Medical Records at (415) 353-2221. However, we strongly recommend that you review your report with your medical practitioner who can answer your questions and establish the most effective treatment plan for you.
Will you bill my insurance?
Yes, your insurance will be billed if a copy of your insurance card is included with the paperwork that accompanies your referral. In many instances, a pre-authorization may be necessary for second opinion consultations, and it can be obtained by your ophthalmologist's office. As part of the University of California, we are contracted with and accept most insurances.
When will my results be ready?
In general the cases are reported within 2-3 work days of receipt of tissue/slides. But final results may be delayed pending the results of special stains or additional ancillary tests required for an accurate diagnosis.