Jingwei Yu, PhD, MD

Professor of Clin Lab
Laboratory Medicine
Specialty Areas

Laboratory Medicine, Box 0134
185 Berry Street, Suite 290
San Francisco, CA 94143
United States

Hospital Affiliations
UCSF Health China Basin
Research and Clinical Interests
  • Genomic and epigenetic alterations and their pathogenic roles in cancer and constitutional disorders.
  • Cytogenetic and genomic diagnosis.
Selected Publications
  • Rice GM, Qi Z, Selzer R, Richmond T, Thompson K, Pauli RM, Yu J. Microdissection-based high-resolution genomic array analysis of two patients with cytogenetically identical interstitial deletions of chromosome 1q but distinct clinical phenotypes. Am J Med Genet A, 2006;140A(15):1637-1643.
  • Ye L, Chang JC, Lin C, Qi Z, Yu J and Kan YW. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells using site-specific integration with phage integrase. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2010;107(45):19467-72.
  • Ohi Y, Qin H, Hong C, Qi Z, Blouin L, Polo J, Guo T, Downey S, Hebrok M, Hochedlinger K, Yu J, Costello J, Song JS and Ramalho-Santos M. Incomplete DNA methylation underlies a transcriptional memory of the somatic cell in human iPS cells. Nat Cell Biol. 2011 May;13(5):541-9. Epub 2011 Apr 17.
  • Huang V, Place RF, PortnoyV, Wang J, Qi Z, Jia Z, Yu A, Shuman M, Yu J and Li LC. Upregulation of Cyclin B1 by miRNA and its implications in cancer. Nucleic Acids Research, 2012 February: 40(4):1695-1707.
  • Ye L, Wang J, Beyer AI, Tequel F, Cradick TJ, Qi Z, Chang JC, Bao G, Muench MO, Yu J, Levy JA and Kan YW. Seamless modification of wild-type induced pluripotent stem cells to the natural CCR5 delta 32 mutation confer resistance to HIV infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2014; 111(26): 9591-9596.
  • Qi Z, Jeng LJB, Slavotinek A and Yu J. Haploinsufficiency and triploinsensitivity of the same 6p25.1p24.3 region in a family. BMC Medical Genomics. 2015 July; 8:38.
  • Shieh JT, Penon-Portmann M, Wong KHY, Levy-Sakin M, Verghese M, Slavotinek A, Gallagher RC, Mendelsohn BA, Tenney J, Beleford D, Perry H, Chow SK, Sharo AG, Brenner SE, Qi Z, Yu J, Klein OD, Martin D, Kwok PY and Boffelli D. Application of full-genome analysis to diagnose rare monogenic disorders. NPJ Genom Med. 2021; 6(1):77. doi: 10.1038/s41525-021-00241-5. PMID: 34556655.
  • Qi Z, Smith C, Shah NP and Yu J. Complex Genomic Rearrangements Involving ETV6::ABL1 Gene Fusion in an Individual with Myeloid Neoplasm. Genes 2023, 14, 1851. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes14101851