Nicholas R. Ladwig, MD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology
Surgical Pathology
Specialty Areas
Gynecologic Pathology
Pathology, Box 0102
505 Parnassus Avenue, Room M590
San Francisco, CA 94143
United States
Hospital Affiliations
UCSF Mission Bay
Research and Clinical Interests
My primary interests are in Gynecologic pathology, with a focus on molecular aspects of uterine tumors, both endometrial and stromal. I also serve as a member of the Digital Pathology Working Group to help provide consensus recommendations for digital workstation setups, optimize workflows in the laboratory for slide scanning/distribution, validate scanning quality across various tissue types, and pilot test mock setups for digital sign out. In March of 2020, this work culminated in the the transition of UCSF Pathology to a department-wide, 100% digital workflow.
Selected Publications
- Ladwig NR, Schoolmeester JK, Weil L, Chapman JS, Zaloudek C, Umetsu SE. Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor Associated with the Placenta: Short Tandem Repeat Genotyping Confirms Uterine Site of Origin. Am J Surg Pathol. 2018 06; 42(6):807-812. PMID: 29505427
- Ladwig NR, Umetsu SE, Zaloudek C, Rabban J, Garg K. Corded and Hyalinized Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma (CHEC) of the Uterine Corpus are Characterized by CTNNB1 Mutations and Can Show Adverse Clinical Outcomes. International Journal of Gynecologic Pathology. 2020. (In press)
- Wolsky R, Devine WP, Joseph N, Sangoi A, Antonescu C, Rabban J, Zaloudek C, Ladwig NR, Garg K. Molecular, morphologic, and immunophenotypic characterization of uterine perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComa) and leiomyosarcoma reveals cathepsin K, Rb, and ATRX as useful discriminatory markers. Modern Pathology. 2020. (Under review)
- 2008 Gundersen Lutheran Sponsored Research Fellowship, Gundersen Health System
- 2010 Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- 2014 Emmerich von Haam Pathology Award, The Ohio State University
- 2017 Award for Clinical Excellence, University of California, San Francisco - Anatomic Pathology
Additional Information