Martha Warnock, MD

Martha Warnock, MD

Professor Emerita
Hospital Affiliations
UCSF Parnassus Heights
UCSF Mount Zion
Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
San Francisco VA Health Care System
Research and Clinical Interests

Since retirement, I have continued my interest in teaching pulmonary pathology by compiling a CD-ROM and by developing a web site on pulmonary pathology in conjunction with collaborators from the Departments of Medicine and Radiology: Dr. Leslie Zimmerman, Dr. Marcia McCowin, and Dr. Michael Gotway. These teaching materials are listed below.

Selected Publications
  • Practical Pathology of Chest Disease, Drs. Warnock and Zimmerman.
  • An Introductory Primer of Pulmonary HRCT, Drs. McCowin and Warnock.
  • Overview of Pulmonary Pathology, Dr. Warnock.
  • Basic Pulmonary Anatomy, Dr. Warnock.
  • Let’s Stop Smoking, Dr. Warnock.
  • Radiology-Pathology Correlation in Pulmonary Disease, Drs. Gotway and Warnock.