Luke N. Rodda, PhD
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
City and County of San Francisco
1 Newhall Street
San Francisco, CA 94124
United States
The analytical method development and validation of Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) with tandem (LC-MS-MS) and Quadrupole Time of Flight (QTOF) Mass Spectrometry techniques.
The analysis and reporting of alcohol, drugs and poisons in medico-legal casework including death investigation, drug impaired driving and drug facilitated crimes.
Providing toxicological interpretation, expert court testimony & overseeing forensic toxicology operations for the City and County of San Francisco.
Monitoring of Novel Psychoactive Substances.
Oral Fluid utilization in the DUID casework.
Culture, Value, and Diversity in Forensic Sciences
Drug harm reduction in recreational opioid use, mental health, drug impaired driving, drug facilitated sexual assault within the community.
- Rodda LN. Forensic Toxicology Considerations, in Olsen K and Smollin C (Eds) Poisoning and Drug Overdose, Seventh Edition (2022). McGraw-Hill Professional.
- Rodda LN, Wu AHB (2021) Chapter 15 - Forensic Toxicology, in Wu, AHB (Ed) Self-Assessment Q&A in Clinical Laboratory Science III. Elsevier. doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-822093-1.00015-6
- West KL, Lindquist K, Rodda LN (2021) Fentanyl Epidemic Hits the U.S. West Coast: Opioid-Related Deaths in San Francisco from 2009 – 2019. International Journal of Drug Policy 95:103402. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103402.
- Farley M, Tran H, Towler S, Gevorkyan J, Pearring S, Rodda LN (2021) Single Method for All Recommended and Additional DUID Drugs in Blood and Urine by LC-MS/MS. Journal of Analytical Toxicology doi.org/10.1093/jat/bkab075
- Appa A and Rodda LN, Cawley C, Zevin B, Coffin P, Gandhi M, Imbert E (2021) Increase in Drug Overdose Deaths in San Francisco During Compared to Before the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Network Open 4(5):e2110452. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.10452
- Armenian, P, Rodda LN (2020) Two Decades of Ecstasy: Shifting Demographic Trends in Decedents using MDMA, Journal ofAnalytical Toxicology. doi.org/10.1093/jat/bkaa193
- Turfus S, Rodda LN. (2021). High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography Including Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry. In R. Wolstenholme, S. Jickells, & S. Forbes (Eds.), Analytical Techniques in Forensic Science (pp. 365-405). Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Rodda LN, West KL, LeSaint KT (2020) Opioid overdose-related emergency department visits and accidental deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Urban Health. 97: 808–813. doi.org/10.1007/s11524-020-00486-y
- Rodda LN, Cooper, G (2020) Impact of Forensic Toxicology Laboratories During the COVID-19 pandemic: Tale of Two Major U.S. Cities. TIAFT Bulletin 50(3): 19-21
- Gevorkyan J, Kinyua J, Pearring S, Rodda LN (2020) A Case Series of Etizolam in Opioid Related Deaths. Journal of AnalyticalToxicology. https://doi.org/10.1093/jat/bkaa146
- Mardal M, Kinyua J, Rodda LN, Linnet K, Dalsgaard PW (2020) Free Online Tools to Improve HRMS Screening Strategies for New Psychoactive Substances. TIAFT Bulletin 50(2): 17-21
- Towler S, Concheiro-Guisan M, Pearring S, Rodda LN (2020) Evaluation and Applicability of Alere iCup DX 14 for Rapid Postmortem Urine Drug Screening at Autopsy. Journal of Forensic Sciences. doi:10.1111/1556-4029.14577
- Rodda LN, Pearring S, Harper, CE, Tiscione NB, Jones AW (2020) Inferences and Legal Considerations Following a Blood Collection Tube Recall. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 45(2): 211-214. doi.org/10.1093/jat/bkaa056
- Gevorkyan J, Wong M, Pearring S, Rodda LN (2020) Method Consolidation to Improve Scope and Efficiency in Postmortem Toxicology. Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 44(5): 422-439.
- Martucci HF, Ingle EA, Hunter MD, Rodda LN (2018) Distribution of Furanyl Fentanyl and 4-ANPP in an Accidental Acute Death: A Case Report. Forensic Science International. 283: e13-e17
- Rodda LN, Volk JA, Moffat E. Williams CM, Lynch KL, Wu A (2017) Evaluation of Intraosseous Fluid as an Alternative Biological Specimen in Postmortem Toxicology. Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 42(3): 163-169.
- Rodda LN, Pilgrim JL, Crump K, DiRago M, Gerostamoulos D Drummer OH (2017) A Cluster of Fentanyl-Laced Heroin Deaths in 2015 in Melbourne, Australia. Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 41(4): 318-324
- DiRago M, Chu M, Rodda LN, Jenkins E, Kotsos A, Gerostamoulos D (2016) Ultra-rapid targeted analysis of 40 drugs of abuse in oral fluid by LC-MS/MS using carbon-13 isotopes of methamphetamine and MDMA to reduce detector saturation. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 408(14): 3737-49.
- Rodda LN, Gerostamoulos D, Drummer OH (2015) Reply to Letter to the Editor. Journal of Analytical Toxicology; 39(5): 416
- Rodda LN, Gerostamoulos D, Drummer OH (2015) Pharmacokinetics of Reduced Iso-‐α-‐acids in Volunteers following ClearBottled Beer Consumption. Forensic Science International. 250: 37-‐43.
- Rodda LN, Gerostamoulos D, Drummer OH (2014) Detection of Iso-‐α-‐Acids to Confirm Beer Consumption in PostmortemSpecimens. Drug Testing and Analysis. 7(1): 65-‐74.
- Rodda LN, Gerostamoulos D, Drummer OH (2014) Studies into the Postmortem Redistribution and Serum to Blood Ratio ofIso-‐α-‐acids in Postmortem Specimens. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology 10(4): 550-‐557.
- Rodda LN, Gerostamoulos D, Drummer OH (2014) Pharmacokinetics of Iso-‐α-‐acids in Volunteers following the Consumptionof Beer. Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 38: 354-‐359.
- Di Rago M, Saar E, Rodda LN, Turfus S, Kotsos A, Gerostamoulos D, Drummer OH (2014) Fast Targeted Screening of 132Acidic & Neutral Drugs & Poisons in Whole Blood Using LC-‐MS/MS. Forensic Science International. 243: 35-‐43.
- Rodda LN, Gerostamoulos D, Drummer OH (2014) The Stability of Iso-‐α-‐acids and Reduced Iso-‐α-‐acids in Stored BloodSpecimens. Forensic Science International. 239: 44-‐49.
- Rodda LN, Gerostamoulos D, Drummer OH (2013) The Rapid Identification and Quantification of Iso-‐α-‐acids and ReducedIso-‐α-‐acids in Blood using UHPLC-‐MS/MS: Validation of a Novel Marker for Beer Consumption. Analytical and BioanalyticalChemistry 405 (30): 9755-‐9767.
- Rodda LN, Beyer J, Gerostamoulos D, Drummer OH (2013) Alcohol Congener Analysis and the Source of Alcohol: A Review. Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology 9 (2): 194-‐207.
- Chu M, Gerostamoulos D, Beyer J, Rodda LN, Boorman M, Drummer OH (2012) The incidence of drugs of impairment inoral fluid from random roadside testing. Forensic Science International 215 (1–3): 28-‐31
- 2022: Co-lead movement for CA Bill “SB-925 Fatal vehicular accidents: chemical test results” through State Senate and signed into law by Governor
- 2021: Taskforce member for CA Bill “SB-94 Report to the Legislature: Impaired Driving Task Force” via California Highway Patrol
- 2019: Co-lead movement for CA Bill “SB-283 Fatal vehicular accidents: chemical test results” through State Senate
- 2014: Best Publication (Young Scientist Award), TIAFT – Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 2014: First Travel Award – Australia and New Zealand Forensic Science Society Symposium – Adelaide, Australia
- 2014: Highly Commended Oral Presentation Award, RACI R&D Conference – Adelaide, Australia
- 2013: Best Peer-Reviewed Paper: Early Career Researcher, SPHPM Monash University – Melbourne, Australia
- 2013: First Scholarship Prize, Forensic & Clinical Toxicology Association Meeting – Sydney, Australia
- 2011: ROSII Reward & Recognition for Service, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine