Transfusion Medicine Rotation

Residents gain experience in Blood Bank/Transfusion medicine during three separate rotations: a single two month rotation at the UCSF Helen Diller Medical Center at Parnassus Heights; a two month combined Blood Bank and Hematology rotation at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital; and a two month combined Blood Bank and Hematology rotation at the UCSF Helen Diller Medical Center at Parnassus Heights.

Blood Bank/ Transfusion Medicine residents are taught basic benchwork, immunohematology, stem cell processing , donor center operations and computer operations. In addition, residents meet with the attending physician regarding all transfusion reactions, transfusion requests that do not meet screening guidelines and special cases. Residents must also study, review and present selected topics to the attending physician and the technologists.

Resident training in Blood Bank/ Transfusion Medicine at ZSFG focuses on transfusion support for patients treated for common medical and surgical conditions with emphasis on major trauma, and on support of sickle cell patients, a minority population with special transfusion needs.

By the end of their training residents will be able to use blood products appropriately, work-up transfusion reactions, interpret complex immunohematology work-ups, understand basic principles of blood bank management and regulatory requirements, and provide appropriate Transfusion Medicine consultation to clinicians.