Hematology Rotation

Residents gain experience in Hematology during three separate rotations: a single two month rotation at the UCSF Helen Diller Medical Center at Parnassus Heights; a two month combined Blood Bank and Hematology rotation at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG); and a two month combined Blood Bank and Hematology rotation at the San Francisco VA Health Care System (SFVAHCS). Additional directed, specific experience in Bone Marrow pathology is gained during a separate 2 month Bone Marrow rotation (see separate rotation description) at the UCSF Helen Diller Medical Center at Parnassus Heights.

The philosophy of the rotations is to train residents in understanding when particular diagnostic testing is appropriate, how such testing is performed and interpreted, how particular test results fit into diagnostic evaluations, and a broad view of how laboratory testing contributes to clinical diagnosis and management. This training is provided through a combination of case-based learning (where the resident serves as the first line for cases requiring physician evaluation), formal teaching through the laboratory medicine core curriculum, conferences including weekly laboratory hematology and coagulation conferences, online training modules, informal and formal didactic sessions with faculty, practical teaching meetings with laboratory supervisors, observation of procedures at the benches in the laboratory, and recommended reading.

Residents learn to interpret CBC histograms, abnormal peripheral blood smears, body fluid smears, hemoglobinopathy evaluation, and special coagulation test results (e.g. inhibitor work-up and factor assays). Residents learn to interpret bone marrow aspirate and biopsy specimen. At ZSFG and SFVAHCS, residents observe and participate in bone marrow aspirate and biopsy procedures.